Synopsis and learning paths

 Systems engineeging training learning paths

Each path corresponds to a sequence of modules. The participants can attend all the modules of a sequence in the same week or spread their learning over time.


Training modules and levels of knowledge acquisition

Introduction: Understanding the fundamentals of systems engineering, understanding the challenges and issues they bring to light, and expressing them within a professional context.

Knowledge enhancement: Implementing the concepts learned in the Introduction by constructing a case study, acquiring the ability to refer to the concepts and case study in the course of a project.

Specialization: Implementing the case study using tools specific of the discipline.


The management of systems engineering projects path

Objective: Enabling participants to understand the specificities of managing systems engineering projects, and to know which tools to use in a collaborative context.


The systems and modeling definition path

Objective: Enabling participants to understand the key concepts of system specification and architecture design, and to know how to create a SysML model for a given definition level.